Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Training Tool for Farmers' Market Vendors

Many of you have heard me rave about the farmers' market DVD I watched at the National Farmers' Market Summit in Baltimore this past November. Well, it’s finally here and the best part- the DVD is FREE!

“Shared Wisdom, Selling Your Best at Farmers Markets” is the title of a new video that helps farmers do a better job of displaying, merchandising and providing customer service at farmers’ markets….which is my game plan for Missouri Farmers’ Market Workshops this year, starting in December.

The video was filmed on site at several markets and is 23 minutes long. The video includes customer and vendor interviews and examples of both good and poor displays and customer service. It is meant to be used with farmer/vendors who are already selling at a market but it is also a great tool for recruitment of new farmers.

In addition to the video, there are several power point presentations, a slide set, and many printable documents that can help make those spring vendor meetings have a positive impact.

This DVD is the result of a USDA AMS Farmers’ Market Promotion Program grant and was produced by Steve Miller, Cornell’s FMNP education coordinator at Cooperative Extension of Madison County New York.

Copies of the DVD are available free from: USDA, AMS, Marketing Services Branch (202) 720-8317 .

(PHOTO: Parkville Farmers' Market Vendors, WILD BLOSSOM HONEY FARM…Richard & Kathie Scott)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve Miller tells me:

"The video will have spanish and english subtitles available on the same dvd. It won't be available till mid to late April."

Eileen Nichols