Monday, January 26, 2009

The Love of Technology

Yes, there is an entire month of blog posts missing from this blog (December posts to be exact). I’ve had some emails asking me what happened to the posts for December and part of January and all I can say is - sometimes when you mess with technology – you get burned. And burned I did. I was trying to consolidate some of the blog labels I have and accidently deleted about 25 posts from the blog. I could only recover about 5 of the posts I deleted.

As they say, “life goes on.” I promise to be extra careful when messing with technology in the future.

Glad to know that the audience that reads the blog noticed it quite quickly.

I’m out of the office Tuesday, January 27 for the Blue Springs Farmers’ Market Workshop. Back with photos from the workshop on Thursday.

1 comment:

Bonj said...

Just thought that I might mention that Blogger does allow one to export their blog, which saves your posts to an xml file. Might be worth exporting a copy before playing. :-)

Simply go to the Settings Tab and under Basic you'll see the first item under it is Blog Tools. Click Export Blog then on the next page click the Download Blog button and save it where you can find it.

Blogger Help has a page that shows importing and exporting.

Happy Blogging.