Monday, December 29, 2008

Buying Local a Trend...Really?

I found it amusing when I read a news article that Brownfield released a couple weeks ago (yes, I’m a little behind on posting this on the blog, as the holiday season has put me a bit behind). The article was a release from American Farm Bureau on the Top 5 Food Trends for 2008 and big surprise - buying local topped the list. I’m sure many local food producers will agree – 2008 was a record sales year!

So, whether you are a consumer or producer of local foods – get out and show your localvore roots in 2009!

Below is an excerpt from the news article on the Brownfield Network.

The American Farm Bureau is out with their Top 5 food trends of 2008. The biggest trend this year was to local foods, in fact the new Oxford American Dictionary’s word of the year is “locavore”, a person who seeks out and consumes locally grown food. Celebrity chefs were very popular and very influential this year. Another big trend, higher food prices as energy prices rippled through the industry. Food safety and traceability became a big issue as we lived through recalls of beef, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and jalapeno peppers. Also gaining popularity in 2008, food companies listening to consumers Butterball, Wegmans, Starbucks and others changed product offerings in response to consumer feedback.

Looking ahead to 2009, AFBF’s Foodie News says consumers will continue to want to know where their food comes from supporting a growing farm-to-cuisine movement. The economic downturn will also prompt more cooking, baking and eating at home while restaurants will experience more order-splitting among dining companions. Restaurants will also go more high-tech to entice customers. For example, a couple of California restaurants have touch screens where you can place your order and then play video games. American Pinot Blanc will become “the wine” and chefs will make buckwheat the next “hot grain”.

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